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发布日期:2025-01-04 11:04    点击次数:111

1、Charles Darwin read widely and sought ideas from other fields of study.查尔斯·达尔文广泛阅读,从各个领域吸收知识。2、The homeless sought shelter from a shower无家可归的人找寻可以躲避阵雨的地方。3、Some shoppers sought to banish the economic gloom with these festive bags.一些购物者则希望用这些节日幸运包来驱散经济危机的阴霾。4、Xu often sought advice from park of Dan Yang city to run the expert of place designedly for this.徐老为此特意咨询了丹阳市园林管理处的专家。5、They sought to recover damages, costs, expenses, etc from the firm.他们设法向那家公司索取损害赔偿金、 用费、 费用等.6、Other groups sought to promote High Church ritual within Anglicanism.其他群体的要求,以促进高教会仪式与圣公宗。7、When he returned to France, he was sought after and acclaimed.在他返回法国时,他成了追求和欢呼的对象。8、He had sought work as a cowboy, rounding up cattle.他曾经找过一份当牛仔的工作,负责看牛不让其失散。9、Which countries sought for your help?哪些国家寻求您的帮助?10、Instead, he sought to provoke a Japanese attack.相反,他应该挑衅让日本人先进攻。11、The Internal Revenue Service sought to disallow the payments.国内收入署试图驳回这些缴纳款。12、I sought to change her mind.我试图改变她的心意。13、He sought to speak to her.他寻找机会与她说话。14、Suppose I sought a trademark registration in the U.S.A. what shall I do?例如我想在美国进行商标注册,我该怎么办呢?15、Finally, I said, you know, maybe sis was right, and I sought some help.最后,我想也许我姊妹说的对。于是,我去寻求帮助。16、Love saw the enslsvement of sin,and sought an instrument of emancipation.爱是看见了罪的奴性,就寻找一个释放的途径。17、Always he sought someone to whom he could talk without caution.他一直在找一个能够随便谈谈的人。18、I sought the whole book to find the answer.我找了整本书去找这个答案。19、Mr. Xu said he has sought but not yet received formal notice of the rejection from the court.徐律师说,他已经请求法院下达正式的驳回起诉通知,但一直未收到。20、We were sought after. Washington was interested in what we think.人们寻找我们,华盛顿对我们思考的东西感兴趣。21、These clients could then be compared with those who sought credit but were denied it.研究者将这些客户与那些寻求贷款但遭到拒绝的人进行对比。22、He sought no personal gain.他不谋私利。23、Since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after.由于那部电影大获成功,它的插曲也很受欢迎。24、"For three years," says Kirilov, "I sought the attribute of my divinity and I have found it."基里洛夫说,“我花了三年的时间寻找我的神格,我发现了它。”25、This is just what I have long sought after这就是我找寻了很久的东西。26、He sought to extract the maximum political advantage from the cut in interest rates.他力图从利息削减中谋取最大的政治利益。27、Love saw the alienation of sin, and sought a ground of reconciation爱是看见了最的疏远,就寻找一个复合的基点。28、She sought a divorce on the grounds that her husband had a paramour in another town.她要求离婚,理由是丈夫在另一个城里有姘妇。29、Various studies over many years have sought to identify candidate genes but so far inconclusively.有很多研究项目试图将相关的基因筛选出来,但是到目前为止尚无定论。30、Ways are being sought to expedite the testing of patient samples.正在寻找办法加速检测患者的样本。sought翻译seek的过去式和过去分词 详情

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